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I’m outraged by these five abominations

These days, it’s all the rage to be outraged about something, anything.

Pathetic losers get their kicks by turning every molehill into a mountain … and by trashing individuals and businesses who don’t toe the PC agenda in every rigid detail.

So today, I’ve decided it’s my turn to be outraged about something — namely the mistakes that are costing smart business owners a fortune in lost sales and profits.

And what makes my outrage even more intense is the fact that I’ve committed most of these outrages myself! Let’s take a look …

1. For starters, I’m outraged by business owners who have failed to formulate a Unique Selling Proposition … thus giving their prospects no good reason to do business with them rather than someone else.

Every day, the world becomes more commoditized, which means you have to work extra hard to point out what makes your business unique — and why that uniqueness brings a real benefit to your prospect.

2. I’m outraged by marketers who make big, fat claims about how great their product or service is, but offer no proof that it’s true.

These days consumers are more skeptical than ever. They’ve been lied to … misled … and deceived time and time again — and they need testimonials, case studies, endorsements and guarantees that give them the confidence to do business with you.

3. I’m outraged by advertising that merely seeks to entertain — without actually trying to make a sale.

There’s nothing wrong with entertainment. The world craves it. We are mesmerized by it. And if you can entertain while you sell, more power to you.

However, entertainment is never a replacement for selling. After all, advertising is nothing more than “salesmanship in print,” as John E. Kennedy put it more than 100 years ago.

4. I’m outraged by business owners who fail to re-sell to their past customers.

It’s a lot easier and a lot cheaper to sell to someone who has already done business with you than it is to bring in a new lead. Yet, I’m astounded at how many businesses drop the ball when it comes to keeping in touch with customers.

Example: I have never once heard from any salesperson I bought a car from. And the most I ever heard from the dealer is an occasional coupon for their overpriced automotive services.

But I never receive anything personal and nothing that gives me a good reason to use their mechanics instead of my own. Let alone something that might get me to come in and test drive a new car.

5. I’m outraged by name, rank and serial number advertising that fails to provide your prospect with good reasons to do business with you or to take action now.

Prospects need a lot more than your business name, address, hours and phone number. Everybody provides that. Instead, give them reasons why they should choose you over your competitors.

Okay, I think that’s enough outrage for one day. A man’s blood pressure can only go so high.

So please, go forth and eliminate these outrages from your business. And if you want help, click here to email me